A P6 student posed this question :-
Why are we required to go to school?
Our reply -
1. To pursue knowledge in the different fields i.e language, mathematics for our personal betterment now and for the future.
Knowledge is critical in our development as a person.
2. To pick up other skills namely social skills, being a good citizen, emphaty, honesty. Skills which are fundamental for the progress of a society.
3.For evaluation.
Tests and examinations strengthen one's focus and hunger in order to do well and excel. Getting A is not the penultimate aim but doing one's best should be. It builds character.
4. For our future.
Attaining good grades does not automatically mean we get the high paying job we so crave or into the industry we want to prosper but without a shadow of a doubt it does help a lot.
5. For our parents
Our parents have made their sacrifices, the least we could do is to do a decent job of preparing well for an examination in school.
A school is an institution where you build your character.
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